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Preston Harrison

Full Stack Web / Blockchain Developer

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Preston. I'm a full stack / blockchain developer with an interest in web technology and cryptocurrencies. I'm currently located in Seattle, WA. I love learning, and am always on the lookout for new projects / skills to pick up.

Crypto Trading Platform

I am responsible for the frontend & backend development of a cryptocurrency trading platform that processed over $50M in transactions in the last year.

TwoX Exchange

TwoX Exchange is an exchange that lets users trade binary options using cryptocurrency as collateral. It is currently deployed on an Ethereum Test Network.

Web3 Signature Validator

This is an npm package I wrote to assist with verifying generated data on the blockchain. It works by signing the data with an Ethereum address, and verifying the signer on-chain.

Crypto Trading Platform

I am responsible for the frontend & backend development of a cryptocurrency trading platform that processed over $50M in transactions in the last year.

TwoX Exchange

TwoX Exchange is an exchange that lets users trade binary options using cryptocurrency as collateral. It is currently deployed on an Ethereum Test Network.

Web3 Signature Validator

This is an npm package I wrote to assist with verifying generated data on the blockchain. It works by signing the data with an Ethereum address, and verifying the signer on-chain.

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